
Monday 14 August 2023

I hope i make her ...laugh

 The her in question being the ONLY woman i simply cannot understand...

She has a whole website named after her...

In those glorious days of mid 2021... she hasn't answered the longest great love letter of all time... or even told me if she GOT it... 

Early 2018.... then the sulk continues: occasional email... ghosted. And then 'stupid me'.. only recently myself getting to grips with whatsap, autumn 2021  - no point no signal at home...

That website of hers - several seem to have been hacked - her graffiti art i remeber seeing a PHONE NUMBER on it... fuck paradise...

" fuck paradise .... i have her number !!!! oh woe is me Queen Sprouten..."

I should have known immediately being a Fakebook addict of course she also is on whatsap but i hadnt really ever used any APP...prior autumn 2021..

However in the beautiful sublime days of 2020.. her Fakebook alone i had sat and stared at " what....will my true Queen say...will she go along with it... ugghhh all those twee trendy city community boys and gals gathering with her as their great [dressed in] white leader....all showing off some tailor made mask...Ohh Alexandra they GOT you as well..."

And then one day - spring 2021 i saw her post a photo of Serge burning a mask...pure sardonic sartorial elegence... "phhhewwww"

"ahhh....what we have here then!?" (Alexandra is FAMOUS as a social entrepreneur and had 25 elves and pictures of her with the far less Queenly queen than her... )

A few months later i see her write (ohh the complexities of even her not first language English, a career "simon i CATCH their money.." on the plane..mid Atlantic, 4 hours into our ratther mamouth mamouth of 8 hrs....[imagine Sophia Loren slightly chubbier..].ohhh god i died of poignancy ... its SO SO SO hard .. to get nuance.. despite her career writing proposals in English successfully 'catching' millions for the scrofulous..."

SO one day she writes the word 'poigant'...  about something but she means three meanings... it was the word of the year and she spawned .. i cannot even remember whats on it but i remember her p word "at last one seems to want to say SOMEthing... but not to me oh woe is me.."

type it into contacts - does a little green symbol come up and her sunglasses ruined face...

" ohhh Jesus Christ...i need to die of happiness..what happiness has befallen me a sublime 2020 and now... 21 the only contact in the world i care about bahh 1 is .. found.... why did i not think of this 3 years ago!!!!"

Now i have to state for the official record that i could ONLY marry a woman who knows of and enjoys for REAL the zen of washing a few things by hand..or a load in January...*

ALL else is immaterial...

But Queen of The Sprouts..

every facebook photo in some absurd fashion sunglasses

caked in makeup

doesnt walk enough so bum spreading...


And even has a super environmental organisation PR lying thing called MAD she built with her own hands... all the clothing on their swankiest "WE ARE SUSTAINABLE"  is in white or light coloured,  which takes THREE times more product and energy to keep usable...

Anyway the whatsaps..

I even get a big bouquet of flowers for New Years day by photo... bet she mass sent them out but ... its the thought that counts "Alexandra at last thats the answer i know you now are considering my 700th marriage demand... that started 15 minutes into our plane ride side by side.."

Within a month i am blocked

"BLOCQWUE" or whatever they say in the easier languages..

But the intervening correspondence is historical in its sincerity and disection of our best ever (until then chat)...

And talk about three sublimely poignantly fabulous months her i had found...

And in fact to some extent learned the finer arts of absurdism and surrealism even if Alexei is better than Brel... or Tintin..

But such things are impossible to translate - the nuance and historical context..

This page is getting out of hand, because...

SO i have my old 'personal' number and my many year 'work' number

Leave it  a few weeks for her to dry her wet ones...

anyway by this time we are on her second email address  she has given me...that may still be receiving...

All of European and English history (cant and vanity - she knew is so) shared between us...

 Not quite the risque tongue-in-cheek that would make it lovely BBQing nipper lines..

But here's the thing. At least she when she got a resumption via the work number...

Well a year now i don't get it! she quickly blue ticks everything... 

I told her she has been surpassed... copy emails

Even copy the truly big one to lass...

(i suppose she is just 'work'...?)

Anyway leaving out - skipping over three volumes of Proust on fire...

And i like Proust. I wouldnt claim to be liminal Proust 


with the only real and esteemed woman on the planet

which started airborne " ahh so you prefer black men" full sexual history reveal by very well presented bourgeoise...neigh haute bourgeois babe... off to deal in deathly haute bourgeois frocks in Miami... the label the price of feeding 3 Bolivian nippers a year...

Likes them...a lot...

"but Alexandra you may well love him.[#3 of 3 steadies over a decade+]..but do i intuit for six years only you have been doing the housework?" 

She pondered and i knew as she was the only fine woman i have ever met took my question to heart, and answered with her head

(what a fuckin genius line is THAT Miss pathetic little pity memoir publisher..i am sat in carpark doing my washing... 20 mins battery left only.... broken laptop perched on kneee gotta make room for wonky wireless keyboard too...true world record liminal not a second to think and all i opened the lid was to share the following:... )

her look said enough " i think you have asked me the right question" he was not on her fadebook much longer.

2020 nor was her Dominatrice position at the ultimate woke refugee saving organisation..

Early last year post the first blocking  " so.. come on Miss just stopped being there...hands in till?  power struggles..? one of the ones who said she loves you for your 'soft hand in an iron glove'* did they get you done for sticking it up under her Uk that would be a dream version for cash but... come on i told you ALL my deepest stuff and you cannot even share what happened to literally your lifes work.." 

* = definition of LOVE, remembering years later verbatim her truly glorious words... and NONEnglish sincerity in her countenance...only sincere. And no harm in her just necessity...for her project, even if environmental hooligans... 


No aides ("Alexandra as i was maybe going to enemy territory ..maybe on Straw's hit list...i left my dictaphone on all the way..never know what may happen i was slightly nervy as we got out of uk waters....but i never needed to relisten.." a grown up couldnt care less...she knows there are two sides: us and 'them'... all means are fair and necessary.. 

Anyway only two women i have ever met whoop whoop at LA grande movie..Belazza..

BUT...did they 'get' the very very best bit that summed up his genius...

Jep picks up rich younger beautiful lotus muncher somewhere.. carnal stuff.. the whole scene is sublime simple man and woman all great 

"so my sweet Jep grins [ post coutal fag in hand] ...what do you do with your days"

"i am rich,.... that is my job... and for entertainment i put photos of myself on Fakebook...would you like to see some... "

she drowsily moves out to the next room... to fetch her machine..

cut to a scene of open french windows''...Jep wandering down the street quickly reclad...

making the most grande Belazza statement of all time: one gets to a certain age, and simply doesnt need to waste ones time doing things any more, one really doesnt want to do...

The genius oscarworthy statement..

No its not about art, fashion, dancing..nor old ladies with walking disorders crawling up the steps...its simply about how to live well without harming anyone.....and seeing through ALL the bullshit..

and that most men, not me but i understood the ending - are a bit mixed up inside, even ones who sincerely do LIKE women...such as Jep..

Anyway childish polemic that needs better writing one day...

However... this...soon ..needs comedy...

Because i am multi media or is it meedia? 

Some messages need to be woven in.

Today's offering to Queen Sprout (free from  British coercion and manipulation lores ) i say...EVERYthing to her... the Jez has been used in a bargain hunt, for her the most insidious way in history...

Thankfully, emboldened by the handwasher, i cut loose of all quietitude some months ago... (simply because..i do value her so much i woulod want her as best woman at my wedding especially if she can pinch some haute smocks or ... get her toy boy latest 'amour' emblazened across fakebook for his so smoulering Arab beauty looks.... to redo MY TEETH like he has much so her gob is actually HIS Fakebook background picture...

clever clever woman... sexy young thing AND free dentals..

(she did of course get it in the neck... - this is part of the "WHY" question from the Jordanian.. "Alexandra... my total Queen have a zillionFakebook likes from being nice to brown women...most have turned up on your doorstep running from opressive fuckin stone age regimes...ALL my life i too have known burkas kill women,, Saudis have plagues of rickets... these lasses in Iran are the bravest lasses in all of history they know eckers like gangbang and a bullet at the end of their day...WHY ARE YOU NOT CALLING FOR MASS DEMOS ON THE STREETS IN SUPORT OF THEM????! this is extaordinary!!! ALL MY LIFE never seen such a chance for the loons to  be shown no more...all the lasses here when i was a teen they said their number one concern was brown women being told what to wear..... thi s is IT!!! are you too a fake..? you alone they WOULD gather behind your sagging one... your whole profile is Boudica and you know the number 2 Queen with the crown... all the way now.."

we never even get an answer to or one squeek from her on her Fakebook...

Just dental priceplan info...

But she never blocks me even if i have deconteructed even belgian chocolate icing on any actual real meaty cake that may be real...

and having FULLY kept her abrest of her actual better, her successor and better - every word -  - her actual self maybe if she had not been at least half fake...   

" but... as reserve..or at least who knows .. i still may need an option for a carnet du passage...EU may bring VISAS in next year for us lot.....anyway i would wish you to meet your better... even if she could learn from you and probably she wouldnt need a visa i bloody well will... "

So followed a range of i know full well the most radical marriage proposals ever..

("i need assylum" the start some months ago..)

Thing is... and she is a proper person i know she would trust me to known the EXACT line of propriety - essentially she understands for any persons children there is a very very specific line of what one shares.. she would trust me to intuit exactly that line...

That is a woman who trusts a man.. because she likes them...even if i am wrong colour but DO do my share of housework in fact usually the lions share..

She has had every single underming quip about free dentists and toyboys in history..

And then whats wrong with her... (my point DESPITE these things that are for me RED LINES...sunglasses river-killing vats of hairdye, tons of makeup - and WHY the photo a few months ago pointing out NO makeup was far more beautiful... having been done for fraud a year ago now makes living selling totally wasteful bling (in perfect 'Natural Store' type photoshoots on Fakebook...)

I think she knows we are on the same SIDE...

And allows my continual diatribe of truly get under every foreskin (i bet he hasnt got one)  quip ever... because she knows i mean it - spirit is the only sexy thing on the planet... and she at least KNEW what it was...

So she knows i love her..a bit. Even if she undermined by a far far far more warriorlike version (i have no idea!)

But i hope i do make her laugh. 

And when i do paste some in here...

which i intend to...

i know they will make my browser laugh too...

which was never the plan... but plenty of good toyboy rogering i think she knows that laughter trumps any taking oneself too seriously..she is relaxed as she has a balanced life.... she also knows i am right "Alexandra.. you are a real woman.... no younger person ever can equal any of us in tough real intelectual equality and spirit... you are using him, ok he gets a free famous supermodel of the 50 something cohort... even if you lied about your age when we met i mean dont you think a bloke proposes 15 min into the 8 hr mamouth is gonna google you and see the 'famous women at 50 ' piece in whatever fancy mag it was..   you know you need to grow up now and be your best self...and somehow maybe she will never be....but once a warrior..always a warrior.. thats you still under it all...  you need to be with someone rest of life...who gets that and i know he never could,...."

which is simply a warning: this has many dimensions and some of the others will be fed in soon..

I dont get it the so quick to blue tick... she knows whats coming in... !! more of the same..

Todays offering supreme..

Why doesnt she quip back!? or reblock... ??


does she like being part of a story.... not her really at the centre? i know not - the only woman i simply have NO idea what is in her head ... hmmmm

* = the hardest thing to say: does she Queen A.. kind of ..well she knows i MUST keep to my word - she alone understands that kids, prioritise, make em your life, as she has, state 'on my daughters life' is 100% as any statement to a woman who LIKES men by a man who LIKES woman be only accurate and sincere... that is called feminism.. or all sorts of isms that fuckin work...she knows i must keep to word, but Belgium (subject of this mornings Whatsaps) world champ at surrealism... well i think not any more... Alexandra cutting edge queen of culture... lost her .... mind "NO ALEXANDRA REMOVE THAT NOMADLAND POST!!! its useless self pitying and van people are EVER down..."  she knows my word is my bond ... and also all marriage proposals contain things like " dont worry allergic to sunglasses i wont even wish to look at you never mind talk with you...eyes window of the soul ... blahh blahh... swop Jez your daughter would love him for a passport.." thing is...i think she alone, knows its a ploy...may backfire... what if she said "ok i will remove them... and smile at you as i say Oui mon made me laugh, he just sells fake shiny smiles to beautiful lotus eaters.." shit i would be in trouble!!  but...i think as a REAL WOMAN...she knows why i need her... she alone knows i like women for the RIGHT reasons....and that she was VERY big a deal.. and only wishes... well... i wish she would bloody say something!!

And i know anyone unless a one dimensional retard will laugh at the messages between her and i when i have time and battery to weave them in... a little